Zip 67637 (Ellis, KS) Rankings

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The Rankings of Ellis, KS (zip code 67637) are quite favorable according to It has a livability score of 69 points out of 100, suggesting that it is a good place to live. The score is based on factors such as cost of living, schools, health care, crime rate and climate. It is rated as being better than 66% of the other cities in the US. In particular, its employment rate is low at just 3%, making it a great option for job seekers looking to settle down in an area with plenty of available jobs. Additionally, its crime rate is below average compared to the rest of the country with only 24 crimes per 1000 people reported here each year. This makes it one of the safer communities in Kansas and something worth considering if safety and security are high priorities for you.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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