Zip 67738 (Grinnell, KS) Rankings

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United States / Kansas / No Metro Area / Gove County / No City / Grinnell (zip 67738)

Grinnell, KS is ranked #316 out of a total of 67738 cities in the BestPlaces rankings. Grinnell has an overall grade of B+ and its amenities score is 7, indicating that it offers a variety of options for living, entertainment, and recreation. The cost of living index in Grinnell is relatively low compared to other cities in the US making it an attractive option for those looking to move there. Additionally, Grinnell is safer than 45% of other cities in the United States with a crime rate that is lower than average. Education wise, Grinnell has plenty of options with a high school graduation rate slightly above the national average. Overall, Grinnell offers numerous benefits that make it an ideal place to live.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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