Zip Not Found (Echo, LA) Rankings

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United States / Louisiana / No Metro Area / Rapides County / No City / Echo (zip )

The city of Echo, LA (zip code 71330) has a population of approximately 651 and is located in Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana. According to, the city’s overall ranking is a D+, with an A- for Cost of Living and F for Crime rate. The cost of living score takes into account things such as the price of groceries, healthcare costs, housing costs, and utilities. The crime rate takes into account the number of crimes reported in the area on a per capita basis. The city has a moderate Climate score of B-, which factors in humidity levels, precipitation levels, temperature averages, wind speed, and air quality index ratings. Echo ranks favorably on Amenities with an A rating; this score looks at the variety of amenities available such as restaurants, parks/recreation spaces, schools, libraries etc. Finally, Echo has a C+ rating for Education based on school ratings from All in all, Echo is an affordable place to live with good amenities but some work needs to be done to improve the crime rate and education system.

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