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United States / Maryland / No Metro Area / Allegany County / No City / Spring Gap (zip )

Spring Gap, MD is a small rural town in Allegany County with a population of 21560. Despite its size, the town is highly ranked for its quality of life, safety, and other metrics measured by Best Places. It receives high marks for its low crime rate, with violent crimes occurring at a rate of just 0.05 per 1,000 residents - far lower than the national average. In addition, it has an excellent education system with high graduation rates and test scores in mathematics and reading. Other metrics that highlight the town's quality of life include its sunny weather and abundant natural resources such as lakes and forests. Spring Gap's affordability also makes it attractive to those looking to settle down in one place. All these factors combined create an environment where families can thrive and enjoy their lives without having to worry about their safety or financial stability.

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