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United States / Michigan / No Metro Area / Ottawa County / No City / Ferrysburg (zip )

Ferrysburg, Michigan, with zip code 49409, is a small city located in the western part of Michigan. According to, Ferrysburg is ranked highly in several categories related to livability. In terms of cost of living, Ferrysburg has an index rating of 95.4 out of 100 - indicating that the overall cost of living is lower than the national average. Additionally, educated citizens are important for an area's livability and Ferrysburg has a higher than average percentage (87%) of citizens over 25 with at least some college education. Crime rates in Ferrysburg are also lower than the national average with a crime index rating of 51 out of 100, demonstrating that it is relatively safe place to live and work. Overall, Ferrysburg ranks very highly on key livability indices and can provide its residents with a good quality of life.

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