Zip 56431 (Aitkin, MN) Rankings

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United States / Minnesota / No Metro Area / Aitkin County / Aitkin / Aitkin (zip 56431)

The small city of Aitkin, MN (zip code 56431) has an overall ranking of 6.5 out of 10 according to BestPlaces. This rating is derived from factors such as cost of living, crime rate, local amenities, education levels and housing. Aitkin is an affordable place to live with a low cost of living index score of 88.4, which is 11.6% lower than the national average. The crime rate in Aitkin is slightly higher than the national average but still considered low at 8.7 per 1,000 residents versus a national average of 4.2 per 1,000 residents. The area provides excellent educational opportunities with a high school graduation rate of 91%. In addition, the local economy offers many recreational activities and amenities including parks, golf courses, rivers and lakes for outdoor activities and a variety of restaurants and entertainment venues for indoor amusement. Lastly, housing in the area is moderately priced with an average home price of $117k which is about 14% lower than the U.S average home price. All these factors contribute to Aitkin's overall BestPlaces ranking of 6.5 out 10 making it a great place to live or visit!

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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