Zip 56260 (Maynard, MN) Rankings

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United States / Minnesota / No Metro Area / Chippewa County / Maynard / Maynard (zip 56260)

The city of Maynard, MN (Zip Code 56260) is ranked highly in terms of quality of living. According to BestPlaces, the cost of living index for this zip code is 84.8 which is 11% lower than the U.S. average and 8 points lower than Minnesota’s average cost of living index. Additionally, the crime rate in Maynard is also below the state and national averages; with a total score of 2 out of a possible 100, it ranks as one of the safest cities in the United States. The public schools in Maynard have also received favorable ratings; their overall ranking according to GreatSchools is 8 out 10. In terms of climate, Maynard has an average temperature that ranges from 33 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit in January and July respectively, making it an ideal place to live for those looking for mild weather throughout all four seasons. With its low cost of living, high quality public schools, and safe environment, Maynard is a great place to make a home.

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