The bestplaces rankings of 55615 Tofte, MN is an excellent indication of the quality of life in this community. This small town in Cook County has a population of just under 600 people and is located on the shores of Lake Superior. The rankings for 55615 Tofte are largely consistent across various categories, with higher scores given to areas such as cost of living, housing affordability, and education rating. In terms of Cost Of Living, 55615 Tofte ranks significantly below the national average which indicates that living expenses here are low compared to other locations in the nation. Additionally, Housing Affordability is rated highly for the area with many homes being well-priced and affordable. Finally, Education Rating for 55615 Tofte is among the highest in Minnesota with excellent public schools in their region. Overall, these rankings demonstrate that 55615 Tofte is a great place to live due to its low cost of living and high quality education opportunities.
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