Zip 65740 (Merriam Woods, MO) Rankings

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The Rankings of 65740 Merriam Woods, MO are based on a variety of factors such as cost of living, crime rate, education level, employment statistics and amenities. It is considered a safe place to live and has low crime rates in comparison to other cities in Missouri. The average home price is affordable and it has a good selection of housing options that range from single-family homes to luxury condominiums. Education levels are also high with the nearest college being Ozarks Technical Community College located nearby. Overall unemployment rate is low with several job opportunities available in the area. Amenities like grocery stores, parks, restaurants and entertainment centers provide residents with plenty of activities to choose from. In addition, there is access to public transportation making it easy to get around the city. With all these factors taken into account, 665740 Merriam Woods, MO ranks highly among best places for people looking for a safe and comfortable place to live.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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