Zip Not Found (New Melle, MO) Rankings

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United States / Missouri / No Metro Area / St. Charles County / No City / New Melle (zip )

63365 New Melle, MO is a small city located in St. Charles County, Missouri. The city has an overall rating of 5 out of 10 according to the Best Places website. This rating takes into account factors such as cost of living, employment opportunities, education and crime rates in the city. According to Best Places, the cost of living in 63365 New Melle is 9% higher than the national average. The job market in 63365 New Melle currently stands at 3 out of 10 which is lower than state and national averages. Educational opportunities are rated at 7 out 10 with public schools being highly rated by residents. The crime rate in 63365 New Melle is considered low when compared to other cities with a safety rating of 8 out 10 making it one of the safest cities in Missouri. All these rankings put together make 63365 New Melle an overall good place to live with few drawbacks when compared to other cities.

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