Zip 63462 (Perry, MO) Rankings

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Perry, MO is ranked #10,590 out of 63462 cities in the United States by, making it an above average place to live. It has a population of 2,611 and is located in Ralls County. The city has a median income of around $42,000 per year and a median home value of roughly $101,000. Perry is a rural area with many small businesses and farms that contribute to the local economy. Residents enjoy scenic outdoor activities such as fishing and boating at Mark Twain Lake which is nearby. It offers residents a peaceful atmosphere with low crime rates and plenty of recreational activities for all ages. Overall, Perry is a great place for families to settle down and lead safe and enjoyable lives.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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