Zip 68858 (Miller, NE) Rankings

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United States / Nebraska / Kearney Metro Area / Buffalo County / No City / Miller (zip 68858)

The Rankings of 68858 Miller, NE are very high according to It has a score of 78 out of 100 which is a high ranking. It is given this ranking based on the quality of life, crime rate, cost of living, education level and user reviews from the residents themselves. Miller offers a great mix of amenities and services that make it attractive to people who want to live in a small town with easy access to larger cities. Additionally, the crime rate in Miller is very low compared to other cities in Nebraska, making it one of the safest places to live and work. Furthermore, Miller's cost of living is quite affordable for those looking for an inexpensive place to call home. In terms of education, Miller has some excellent schools that provide quality education at all levels for students. Finally, user reviews from residents give insight into what living in Miller is really like and why many choose it as their home. Overall, Miller is an excellent place to consider when searching for a new home or place of work due to its pleasant atmosphere and great amenities.

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