Zip 68779 (Stanton, NE) Rankings

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The city of Stanton, Nebraska (68779) is a small town located in Madison County. According to the Best Places website, Stanton has a livability score of 64 out of 100, which ranks it #2,351 in Nebraska and #20,885 in the United States. This score is based on factors including crime rates, education levels, housing trends and employment statistics. The total crime rate for Stanton is slightly below the national average, making it a safe place to live. Education levels are rated higher than the state average with over 92% of residents having at least some college experience or higher educational attainment. The cost of living in Stanton is lower than the national average with an estimated household income just above median state level incomes. In terms of housing, most residents own their homes while rental occupancy is relatively low. All things considered, Stanton has good rankings for livability and overall quality of life standards.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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