Zip 88316 (Capitan, NM) Rankings

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United States / New Mexico / No Metro Area / Lincoln County / Capitan / Capitan (zip 88316)

The Rankings of 88316 Capitan, NM are based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau and According to BestPlaces, 88316 Capitan has a livability score of 63 out of 100 which is considered below average compared to other U.S cities. This score is based on factors such as cost of living, crime rates, education levels, employment, housing and weather. When it comes to crime, 88316 Capitan ranks as the 41st safest city out of all the cities in New Mexico with a crime rate much lower than the national average for all communities in America. The area also has high levels of education with over 92% of adults having some form of college education or higher degrees. Furthermore, 88316 Capitan’s cost of living index is slightly above the United States average making it an affordable option when searching for places to live. Employment opportunities are also plentiful in this city as more than 5% percent of residents are employed within this area which is higher than the national average for places across America. Lastly, 88316 Capitan has an excellent climate with temperatures rarely dipping below 32F during winter months and rarely exceeding 93F during summer months providing residents with comfortable weather year round.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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