Zip 12172 (Stottville, NY) Rankings

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The Rankings of 12172 Stottville, NY are based on the data collected from the website BestPlaces. This small town is located in Columbia County and is known for its peaceful atmosphere and charming rural landscape. The total population of Stottville is only around 300 people, making it one of the smaller communities in New York. According to BestPlaces, Stottville has an overall ranking score of 71 out of 100 which puts it above average compared to other cities in the state as well as nationwide. It also ranks highly (7th out of 15) for BestPlaces, with a score of 72. Other rankings include Amenities (68), Cost of Living (72), Education (97), Employment (51) and Housing (59). Overall, Stottville offers an attractive and affordable living environment for those wanting to enjoy a quiet lifestyle in a rural setting.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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