Zip Not Found (Unc-g, NC) Rankings

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United States / North Carolina / No Metro Area / Guilford County / No City / Unc-g (zip )

The small town of 27412 Unc-g, NC is ranked highly in a variety of categories. It has a particularly high ranking for its low cost of living and its public schools, with both receiving an A+ from BestPlaces. The area also receives an A+ for crime & safety, as well as diversity. 27412 Unc-g, NC sees a lot of residents taking advantage of the warm, humid climate, which has been rated B+. The town is known for having excellent air quality ratings and plenty of nearby amenities, such as parks, restaurants, and shopping centers. With its beautiful natural setting close to North Carolina's capital city Raleigh and special access to the Appalachian Trail running through it, it’s no wonder 27412 Unc-g, NC has become one of the best places to live in the region.

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