Zip 27981 (Wanchese, NC) Rankings

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27981 Wanchese, NC is ranked highly in several categories by Bestplaces, an independent source for comparing cities and neighborhoods across the United States. The town ranks highly in terms of Crime & Safety, Education & Employment, and Housing & Cost of Living. In terms of Crime & Safety, the town has a crime rate that is 48% lower than the North Carolina average. This makes it one of the safest places to live in the state. The Education & Employment rankings are also impressive; 27981 Wanchese has an unemployment rate that is significantly lower than the national rate and its high school graduation rate is higher than both state and national averages. Finally, housing costs in 27981 Wanchese are 13% lower than the North Carolina average while cost of living is 11% lower than the national average, making it a great place to live for those looking for affordable options. Overall, 27981 Wanchese offers a safe environment with excellent schools and affordable housing options that make it an attractive destination for families looking to relocate.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

Wanchese Ranked
#5 Hurricane Hotspots
By analyzing the tracks of tropical storms for the past 100 years, the experts at Sperling’s BestPlaces have ranked which areas ar... Read More

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