Zip 73549 (Headrick, OK) Rankings

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The Rankings of 73549 Headrick, OK according to BestPlaces are overall very positive. It has an excellent cost of living index rating of 94 out of 100, a crime rate significantly lower than the national average and a strong job market with unemployment rate of just 3.4%. The education system is also very well rated with an above average school test scores rating and high graduation rates. Its amenities score is high due to its abundance of parks, restaurants and entertainment venues in the area. Overall, 73549 Headrick, OK is an ideal place for those who want access to all the amenities that a city can provide while still living in a safe environment with low costs.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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