Zip 74347 (Kansas, OK) Rankings

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United States / Oklahoma / No Metro Area / Delaware County / Kansas / Kansas (zip 74347)

The Rankings of 74347 Kansas, OK are quite favorable, based on the data from BestPlaces. The city has a crime rate rated C+, which is lower than average in comparison to other cities in the United States. The cost of living index is rated A, indicating that the city has a lower than average cost of living and would be an attractive option for those looking to save some money. Additionally, it has an air quality rating of B, a safer-than-average commute time of 15 minutes or less and a moderate job market score of D+. All in all, these rankings indicate that 74347 Kansas, OK is a good place to live overall.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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