Zip 74556 (Lehigh, OK) Rankings

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United States / Oklahoma / No Metro Area / Coal County / Lehigh / Lehigh (zip 74556)

74556 Lehigh, OK is a small town located in Oklahoma with a population of about 1,541 people. It is situated in the southwestern region of the state and has a total area of 3.75 square miles. According to the BestPlaces ranking system, 74556 Lehigh, OK has an overall score of 53 out of 100. This score takes into account factors such as cost of living, crime rate, education level, housing affordability and other amenities. The average home value for this area is $65,500 which makes it an affordable place to live. Additionally, there are good job opportunities with local businesses as well as nearby cities like Tulsa which offer a wider range of employment options. The schools in 74556 Lehigh, OK also scored above average according to the rankings system giving families who choose to move here peace-of-mind when it comes to their children’s education needs. All these factors put together make 74556 Lehigh, OK an attractive option for those looking for a safe and low-cost place to settle down and raise a family.

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