Zip 73853 (Mutual, OK) Rankings

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73853 Mutual, OK is ranked #936 in the US, according to the BestPlaces rankings. It is one of the smallest cities in Oklahoma, with a total population of only 225 as estimated by the United States Census Bureau in 2018. The city offers an array of recreational activities including fishing, camping, hunting and water sports. Education wise, Mutual has a number of public schools and one private elementary school. It also has a public library which caters to its residents' educational needs. In terms of quality of life, 73853 Mutual offers a low cost of living and an average commute time of less than 10 minutes. Additionally, it has plenty of amenities within the city including restaurants, shopping centers and parks. With regard to safety and crime rate, Mutual has below-average crime rates compared to other cities in Oklahoma. All these factors combined make 73853 Mutual an ideal place for those looking for a peaceful and safe place to live.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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