Zip 97457 (Tri-City, OR) Rankings

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Tri-City, OR (97457) is an area comprised of Hermiston, Umatilla and Stanfield in Oregon’s Umatilla County. According to BestPlaces rankings, this region has a BestPlaces Score of 63/100, making it a desirable place to live for many. The cost of living is 14 points above the national average but this is offset by a job market rating that is one point higher than the national average. With regards to crime, the rate is approximately 12% lower than the national average. Residents enjoy pleasant weather throughout most of the year with temperatures rarely dipping below 20 degrees Fahrenheit or rising above 93 degrees Fahrenheit. Tri-City also boasts a thriving economy driven by agriculture and industry; the top employers include Good Shepherd Medical Center, Umatilla School District and Walmart. In addition, there are plenty of recreational opportunities in this region with activities such as camping, fishing and hiking available in nearby parks like McNary Wildlife Refuge and McKay Creek National Wildlife Refuge. All in all, 97457 Tri-City is an attractive location for those looking for good job prospects, affordable living expenses and plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy.

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