Zip 18214 (Barnesville, PA) Rankings

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United States / Pennsylvania / Pottsville Metro Area / Schuylkill County / No City / Barnesville (zip 18214)

Barnesville, PA is ranked #369 out of 6,286 cities in the US by It receives high ratings for its BestPlaces Score that takes into consideration crime, cost of living, education level, employment status and other important metrics. Barnesville's score of 69/100 reflects its strong affordability as it has a low cost of living index and housing costs that are much lower than the US average. Additionally, Barnesville boasts a higher graduation rate than the national average along with a low rate of unemployment and crime. The community is highly-rated in terms of amenities such as parks, shopping centers and educational institutions, making it an ideal place to live for families looking for an affordable yet safe place to settle down.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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