Zip 15721 (Burnside, PA) Rankings

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15721 Burnside, PA is ranked highly in many criteria by BestPlaces. It has an overall ranking of #5 out of 6,918 for the best places to live in Pennsylvania. The cost of living index score for 15721 Burnside is 93.6, which is lower than the average cost of living in Pennsylvania and indicates a reasonable cost of living in this town. Additionally, it ranks #7 out of 6,918 for its BestPlaces score of 71 which takes into account amenities such as education, housing, employment opportunities and safety. The public school rating for 15721 Burnside is 8 out of 10 which makes it an ideal place for families with school-aged children to live. Additionally, the local crime rate here is very low at 33 per 1,000 residents making it a safe place to call home. Overall, 15721 Burnside offers many attractive features that make it an ideal location to settle down and call home.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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