Zip 16661 (Madera, PA) Rankings

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The Rankings of 16661 Madera, PA are based on a variety of data taken from the U.S. Census and According to, it has an overall livability score of 54 out of 100, which is below the national average of 69. This ranking takes into account factors such as crime rate, education, employment opportunities, housing affordability and cost of living. Education wise, 16661 Madera has a B+ rating with 6 public schools serving nearly 4000 students in grades K-12th. The crime rate for 16661 Madera is above the national average with more than double the amount of property crime reported per 1,000 residents compared to the US average. The unemployment rate stands at 5%, slightly higher than the national average of 4%. Housing in 16661 Madera is fairly affordable with an estimated median housing value sitting at $76000—this is significantly lower than Pennsylvania's median housing value of $196000. Lastly, the cost of living in 16661 Madera is around 23% lower than the national average placing it as one of the most affordable places to live in Pennsylvania.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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