Zip 17075 (Newton Hamilton, PA) Rankings

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The Rankings of 17075 Newton Hamilton, PA provide insight into the quality of life in this small town. According to, this zipcode has an overall score of 68 out of 100, ranking it as #5772 out of 29,360 zip codes in Pennsylvania. It has a higher than average crime rate compared to other places in Pennsylvania, but low unemployment and cost of living. Other rankings for this area include its diversity score, which is 20 out of 100, and its public school rating at an 8 out of 10. The local amenities are rated highly with a score of 80 out of 100 and the housing rating falling just slightly below that at 77 out of 100. Overall, 17075 Newton Hamilton appears to be a safe and comfortable place to live with plenty of amenities for potential residents.

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