Zip 16433 (Saegertown, PA) Rankings

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United States / Pennsylvania / Meadville Metro Area / Crawford County / No City / Saegertown (zip 16433)

The Rankings of 16433 Saegertown, PA are based on the website criteria. It offers a total of 7 different categories to assess, including BestPlaces, Cost of Living, Education & Childcare, Weather and Safety.
In terms of BestPlaces, 16433 Saegertown scores a 6 out of 10 with its moderate housing prices and good access to amenities. The cost of living is rated very low at 3 out of 10 due to generally cheap groceries and healthcare costs. The education & childcare category is above average for the region, scoring an 8 out 10 for its quality schools and daycare centers. The weather in Saegertown is highly rated with a score of 9 out 10 for its mild temperatures all year round. Lastly, the safety rating for this town is 8 out 10 due to its low crime rate.
Overall, the Rankings of 16433 Saegertown, PA offer excellent Scores across all categories making it one of the best places in Pennsylvania for people to live in comfort and security.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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