Zip 29646 (Greenwood, SC) Rankings

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The Rankings of 29646 Greenwood, SC from the website BestPlaces are diverse and informative. The crime rate is low compared to national average levels and the cost of living is 10% lower than the U.S. average, making it a desirable place to live. With a population of 22,592 people, it has an unemployment rate that is 8% lower than the rest of South Carolina at 4%. In terms of its educational offerings, 28% of adults in this area have a Bachelor's Degree or higher, and there are several top rated schools in and around Greenwood. It's also ranked highly for its air quality with an AQI rating that is 20% better than U.S. averages. Finally, Greenwood was rated 7th in South Carolina for livability by BestPlaces with an overall grade of B+. These rankings demonstrate that Greenwood is an attractive city offering citizens a high quality of life while still remaining affordable.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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