Zip 79007 (Borger, TX) Rankings

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The Rankings of 79007 Borger, TX are diverse and varied. The city has an overall score of 72 which reflects its high quality of life. It ranks high in the categories of education, housing, cost of living, diversity and transportation. Education is particularly strong with a score of 81 due to its high-performing schools and abundance of educational opportunities. Housing is also strong with a score of 78 due to its affordable prices and availability. The cost of living in 79007 Borger, TX is slightly above average but still considered to be quite reasonable for the area. Diversity has an impressive score of 82 due to the presence of a variety of populations from different backgrounds and cultures. Lastly, transportation gets an above average rating with a score of 76 thanks to its well-developed public transport system and access to major highways. All these factors make 79007 Borger, TX a great place to live that offers plenty for everyone.

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