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United States / Texas / No Metro Area / Cottle County / No City / Cee Vee (zip )

79223 Cee Vee, TX is a small town located in Texas with a population of approximately 317 people. As such, it is not included in population statistics for the state. However, BestPlaces ranks 79223 Cee Vee, TX highly in a variety of categories including cost of living, crime rate, education and weather. According to BestPlaces, 79223 Cee Vee, TX has one of the lowest cost of living rates in the state at 83 out of 100. Additionally, its crime rate at 13 out of 100 is lower than that of the other towns in Texas. Education wise, 79223 Cee Vee, TX ranks at 77 out of 100 with access to good schools and educational opportunities available to residents. Finally, its weather rate comes in at 71 out of 100 due to its hot summers and mild winters. All this makes 79223 Cee Vee a great place to live and work for those who want rural peace and quiet but don't mind the occasional hot summer day!

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