Zip 76459 (Jermyn, TX) Rankings

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United States / Texas / No Metro Area / Jack County / No City / Jermyn (zip 76459)

Jermyn, TX is a small town located in Texas with a population of only 437 citizens. However, despite its small size, Jermyn ranks high on several bestplaces rankings. According to the most recent rankings, 76459 Jermyn, TX scores well on the following metrics: BestPlaces, Education & Health, Public Schools, Employment and Cost of Living. It has been rated highly for its low crime rates; it's education and health services rank very positively; its public schools have been given good grades; it has a low unemployment rate; and its cost of living is also relatively low compared to other areas. Overall, 76459 Jermyn, TX is an excellent place to live that offers a safe environment and great amenities at an affordable price.

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