Zip 78579 (Progreso, TX) Rankings

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The city of Progreso, TX (78579) is ranked highly in a variety of bestplaces categories. It has an overall ranking of 9 out of 100. According to the rankings, it ranks higher than average in housing costs, compared to other US cities. The cost of living index for Progreso is recorded as 84 out of 100, making it an affordable place to live. Additionally, the city's education and schools are rated at 7 out 10, showing that students have access to high-quality educational resources. Progreso also ranks favorably in crime rates; it is recorded as safer than 31% of US cities and has a crime rate below the national average. Furthermore, the city’s air quality index is reported at 71 out of 100 - lower than many other US cities - indicating healthier air quality and better quality of life for residents. Overall, Progreso has favorable ratings across multiple bestplaces categories and is an attractive option for those seeking affordability and good living conditions.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

Progreso Ranked
#1 The Most (and Least) Gender Imbalanced Cities
Bars and clubs that promote the ubiquitous "Ladies Night" might be surprised to find their citys gender gap favors the men. S... Read More

Progreso Ranked
#13 Most Secure Places to Live 2011 (Large Metros)

Progreso Ranked
#14 Most Secure Places to Live in the U.S. (Large Metro Areas)
Safety and security are among the most basic human needs, and a safe, secure environment in which to live, work and raise a famil... Read More

Progreso Ranked
#56 America’s Best (and Worst) Cities for Dating
Hooking that hottie is hard enough without the odds stacked against you, so the city researchers at Sperling’s BestPlaces have ide... Read More

Progreso Ranked
#67 America's Most (and Least) Stressful Cities (100 Largest Metro Areas)
Between international terrorism and a struggling economy, todays Americans are faced with more stress than ever. In this new s... Read More

Progreso Ranked
#84 Drought-Riskiest Cities
Scientists are warning that raging brush fires could become routine. Florida is running out of water to meet the needs of its grow... Read More

Progreso Ranked
#100 The Most Single Cities
As interesting as the nation as a whole is trending, Sperling said, we want to see which places had the greatest percentage of si... Read More

Progreso Ranked
#100 Most Comfortable Summer Cities
When it comes to summer and its accompanying hot weather, there are so many beautiful things - beach days, barbecues, revea... Read More

Progreso Ranked
#107 America's Migraine Hot Spots
Everybody gets a headache now and then, but did you know that the severe headaches known as migraines affect over 29 million Am... Read More

Progreso Ranked
#293 Best Green Cities
Country Home magazine, in conjunction with Sperlings BestPlaces, reveals that Burlington, Vermont is the 2007 Best Green Pla... Read More

Progreso Ranked
#317 2005 Best Places to Live
2005 Best Places to Live Study.... Read More

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