Zip 76388 (Weinert, TX) Rankings

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United States / Texas / No Metro Area / Haskell County / Weinert / Weinert (zip 76388)

Weinert, TX has a population of 76388. It is ranked #2584 in the bestplaces ratings across the U.S., and it scores an overall rating of 6.2/10. This score takes into account crime rates, housing costs, cost of living, education levels, employment opportunities and weather conditions. Weinert's crime rate is 1/10th of the national average, making it a relatively safe place to live. Additionally, housing costs are lower than the Texas state average; however, cost of living is slightly higher (about 4% more than the state average). When it comes to education levels, around 70% of people 25 and over have at least a high school degree or equivalent. Employment opportunities are also quite high in Weinert with an unemployment rate just below 5%. Lastly, the weather in Weinert is mild throughout the year with temperatures ranging from 40 degrees Fahrenheit in winter to 95 degrees Fahrenheit during summer. Overall, Weinert is an attractive place to live for those looking for safety and affordability with access to good job opportunities and mild weather conditions.

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