Zip 25502 (Apple Grove, WV) Rankings

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Apple Grove, WV is ranked highly among the best places to live in West Virginia. The small town of 25502 has a population of only 299 people and is ranked 78th overall in the state. It has an overall score of 76 out of 100 and ranks first in amenities, second in cost of living, fourth in weather, fifth in education, and seventh in safety. This allows Apple Grove, WV to offer its citizens a high quality of life with access to great amenities at an affordable cost. The area is also known for its excellent public school system and overall safe environment for families and individuals alike. Overall, Apple Grove, WV is a great place to live that offers residents the opportunity to enjoy excellent amenities while having access to quality education and a safe living environment.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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