Zip 25873 (MacArthur, WV) Rankings

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25873 MacArthur, WV is ranked favorably in several categories by It ranks particularly well in Cost of Living, which is 7% lower than the national average. It also has a Crime Index of just 5.3 out of 100, which is significantly lower than the US average of 22.7, making it an extremely safe place to live. Additionally, it boasts an A+ public school rating with high test scores and a strong student-teacher ratio. The area is also very affordable with a median home value of $80,800 and a median rent price of only $609 per month. Lastly, there are plenty of outdoor activities for residents to enjoy with nearby lakes and state parks offering camping and other recreational opportunities. All things considered, 25873 MacArthur is an excellent place to live with many benefits for its citizens.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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