Zip Not Found (Wyatt, WV) Rankings

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United States / West Virginia / No Metro Area / Harrison County / No City / Wyatt (zip )

The Rankings of 26463 Wyatt, WV are quite favorable. According to, the city has a good cost of living index rating of 77 out of 100 and a high crime rate of 9 out of 100. The school system is rated 5 out of 10, however it is still considered above average for the state. Additionally, there is an unemployment rate of 6.8% which is slightly lower than the national average of 7%. Furthermore, the overall livability rating for this city is 64 out of 100 which indicates that this place has a high quality of life compared to other areas in the country. All in all, 26463 Wyatt, WV can be seen as an attractive place to live due to its favorable rankings in regards to cost of living, crime rate, school systems and employment opportunities.

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