Zip 54412 (Auburndale, WI) Rankings

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Auburndale, WI (54412) has been ranked highly in several areas, such as its cost of living index, housing affordability index, public school ratings, and general quality of life. According to the BestPlaces rankings, the cost of living index for Auburndale is 81.4 out of 100, which is lower than the U.S average of 100. The housing affordability index for the city is also highly favorable standing at 78.5 out of 100 compared to the US average at 75.1. Additionally, Auburndale's schools received an 8 rating out of 10 possible points on the GreatSchools Rating system, indicating that it is a great place for families with children to live. Lastly, residents rank Auburndale highly for its overall quality of life with a score of 72.4 out of 100 compared to the US average at 67.7. All these factors combine to make Auburndale a desirable location for many individuals and families alike that are looking for a pleasant place to live and raise a family.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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