St. Andrews, ND is a small town with a population of just over 500 people. Despite its size, it has several local churches that serve the religious needs of its community members. The churches in St. Andrews offer a variety of spiritual services to their congregants, including Bible study groups, weekly worship services and youth outreach programs. While these congregations vary in their religious practices and beliefs, they all strive to make a positive impact on the lives of those who live in the St. Andrews area. Whether through providing support and guidance for individuals or by actively engaging in community service projects, the churches in St. Andrews are dedicated to promoting growth and development for all residents.
73.7% of the people in St. Andrews are religious:
- 0.8% are Baptist
- 0.0% are Episcopalian
- 29.4% are Catholic
- 37.3% are Lutheran
- 0.9% are Methodist
- 0.8% are Pentecostal
- 2.1% are Presbyterian
- 0.0% are Church of Jesus Christ
- 2.3% are another Christian faith
- 0.0% are Judaism
- 0.0% are an eastern faith
- 0.0% affilitates with Islam
According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world.