Burien, WA is a community with a wide variety of churches offering religious services to the population in the area code of 98148. The city has a total of thirteen distinct Christian denominations operating out of the city, ranging from Catholic and Methodist churches to Lutheran and Baptist congregations. There are also non-denominational churches, as well as those affiliated with Pentecostal, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglican traditions. These churches provide comprehensive spiritual guidance for those seeking religious support and refuge in Burien. The various denominations offer diverse worship experiences such as Bible study classes, Sunday school programs, youth meetings, concerts, retreats, and other events that bring people together in fellowship. These services help build strong faith communities within Burien and enrich its multifaith culture.
38.7% of the people in Burien (zip 98148) are religious:
- 1.4% are Baptist
- 0.8% are Episcopalian
- 15.5% are Catholic
- 2.0% are Lutheran
- 1.4% are Methodist
- 2.0% are Pentecostal
- 1.9% are Presbyterian
- 3.1% are Church of Jesus Christ
- 7.4% are another Christian faith
- 0.8% are Judaism
- 1.5% are an eastern faith
- 0.7% affilitates with Islam
According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world.