Freehold township, NJ Schools


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Centrastate Early Childhood Center is a Pre-Kindergarten-Kindergarten Private School located in Freehold township, NJ. It has 25 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten-Kindergarten with a student-teacher ratio of 5 to 1.
691 W Main Street
Freehold, NJ 07728
See Map of School

- Less than 50 students
- 1 full time teachers
- Nonsectarian Orientation
- 5.0 Students to One Teacher
- No Religious Orientation
- Coed School
- Full and half day Kindergarten offered
5 days a week
- No Home School Program
- No Private Home Program
- Students are in school 10.59 hours per day 185 days per year
- No Library
- Member of National Association for the Education of Young Children

Community Type: Suburb, Large
Median Household Income: $130,685

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Over 11 years ago

We choose to live here so we do not have to put our kids in private  More

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Over 15 years ago

There are many parks in and around Freehold. It's wonderful for  More

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