Zip 29816 (Bath, SC) Schools


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The schools in Bath, SC (zip code 29816) are generally highly rated and provide a good education for the local community. Many families have chosen to move into the area because of the quality schools, which offer a good range of programs and activities for students. There is a strong sense of community among parents and teachers who work together to ensure that every student has the best possible chance of success in their studies. The teachers are dedicated to providing a high level of instruction and making sure that students have access to all of the resources they need for academic success. In addition, there are several extracurricular activities offered at all levels, including sports teams, clubs, and after-school programs. All students are given an opportunity to explore their interests outside of the classroom as well. With its excellent schools, Bath is an ideal place to live if you’re looking for a safe environment with quality educational opportunities.

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Name Grades Type Rating