Sims, NC is a small town located in the southeastern region of North Carolina. Although it is a small town, Sims offers a wide variety of transportation options for its residents and visitors. Public transportation within the city limits is provided by the CATS bus system, which provides daily routes throughout Sims. Taxis are also available around town to provide transport for those who need a quick ride somewhere. For those looking to travel out of Sims, there's an Amtrak station located near the city center, allowing residents to take long distance trips or commute to nearby towns and cities. For those who prefer to drive their own car, Interstate 95 runs east-west through Sims while Highway 64 runs north-south through the city limits. With all these options available at your fingertips, getting from one place to another in Sims has never been so easy.
The typical American commute has been getting longer each year since 2010. The average one-way commute in Sims takes 28.0 minutes. That's longer than the US average of 26.4 minutes.
How people in Sims get to work:
- 91.4% drive their own car alone
- 4.6% carpool with others
- 0.7% work from home
- 0.0% take mass transit