Clinton, TN is a small town located in East Tennessee, and despite its size it has plenty of transportation options. The city is served by both local and regional public transportation services, including the Anderson County Transit System, which operates regular bus routes throughout Clinton as well as to other nearby towns. Additionally, long-distance travelers can take advantage of Greyhound Bus Lines, which offers services to cities throughout the United States. There are also several taxi companies available in Clinton providing safe and reliable service within the city limits. With all these options, getting around town or traveling far away is easy and accessible for everyone in Clinton.
The typical American commute has been getting longer each year since 2010. The average one-way commute in Clinton takes 21.2 minutes. That's shorter than the US average of 26.4 minutes.
How people in Clinton get to work:
- 87.6% drive their own car alone
- 8.7% carpool with others
- 1.8% work from home
- 0.0% take mass transit