The small town of Bridgeville, Delaware is a charming community with a population of just over 1,000 people. Despite its size, Bridgeville still offers reliable public transportation options to get around the town and nearby areas. The most popular form of transportation for locals is the DART First State bus system, which provides regular service throughout town and surrounding areas. For those who prefer to drive themselves, U.S Routes 13 and 404 provide easy access to major cities and attractions in the region. Additionally, residents can also use Amtrak for longer trips out of state. With these transportation options available in Bridgeville, Delaware, locals can easily get around and explore the area with ease.
The typical American commute has been getting longer each year since 2010. The average one-way commute in Bridgeville (zip 19933) takes 27.1 minutes. That's longer than the US average of 26.4 minutes.
How people in Bridgeville (zip 19933) get to work:
- 86.0% drive their own car alone
- 6.9% carpool with others
- 4.1% work from home
- 0.1% take mass transit