Zip 67226 (Wichita, KS) Commuting

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Wichita, KS, located in zip code 67226 is a bustling city with plenty of transportation options available to its residents. Public transportation includes the CityGo Bus, which provides routes all over Wichita and connects riders to major destinations throughout the city. There is also a bike sharing program called RideKC Bike Share that allows users to rent bicycles for short trips around the city. For those who prefer the convenience of driving their own vehicle, there are several major highways that run through the city including I-135 and US Highway 54/400. In addition to these options, there are countless taxi and rideshare services available as well. No matter how you choose to get around Wichita, you'll find plenty of reliable transportation solutions available.

The typical American commute has been getting longer each year since 2010. The average one-way commute in Wichita (zip 67226) takes 16.4 minutes. That's shorter than the US average of 26.4 minutes.

How people in Wichita (zip 67226) get to work:
- 87.3% drive their own car alone
- 7.0% carpool with others
- 2.6% work from home
- 0.9% take mass transit
     Commute Time To Work

  TransportationWichita, KansasUnited States
  Commute Mode