Los Lunas, New Mexico is a small town in the heart of Valencia County with a population of around 15,000. It is governed by a Mayor-Council system where five council members are elected by district at large. The mayor is elected at large. The current mayor of Los Lunas is Charles L. Griego and the City Council consists of: Scott Steinmetz, Lynne Johnson, Tori Baca, John Lonergan and Cynda Jasso-Varela. Los Lunas is represented in the state legislature by Senator Clemente Sanchez (D) and Representatives Sharon Clahchischilliage (R) and Raymundo Lara (D). The city is part of Bernalillo County's 21st congressional district which covers Bernalillo and Sandoval counties and is represented by Democrat Xochitl Torres Small. There are also various local initiatives that Los Lunas citizens can get involved in such as neighborhood watch programs or volunteering for local charities. Those interested in learning more about politics in Los Lunas should contact their local representatives to find out more information or attend meetings held in city hall.
The political climate in Zip 87031 (Los Lunas, NM) is leaning conservative.
Valencia County, NM is somewhat conservative. In Valencia County, NM 44.2% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 53.8% voted for the Republican Party, and the remaining 2.0% voted Independent.
In the last Presidential election, Valencia county remained moderately Republican, 53.8% to 44.2%.
Valencia county voted Republican in four of the six previous Presidential elections (2008 and 2012 went Democratic).
The BestPlaces liberal/conservative index
Zip 87031 (Los Lunas, NM) is leaning conservative.
Los Lunas, New Mexico is leaning conservative.
Valencia County, New Mexico is somewhat conservative.
Albuquerque Metro Area is moderately liberal.
New Mexico is somewhat liberal.
The BestPlaces liberal/conservative index is based on recent voting in national elections, federal campaign contributions by local residents, and consumer personality profiles.
Displaying 20 years of Presidential voting, visualized in one word.
Los Lunas, New Mexico: r R d d r r
How It Works:
Here at BestPlaces, we were looking at the voting patterns since the 2000 election and realized that we could express the results of each election as one letter. R if the Republican Party candidate won, D for the Democrat and I for the Independent. The six elections (2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020) would be expressed as six-letter word (R R D R R).
Then we went a little further and added the dimension of magnitude. If the difference of victory was greater than 10 percent, the letter is upper case, and lower case if the difference was less than 10 percent. This allows us to see interesting voting patterns at just a glance.
Here's the VoteWord for Iowa d r d d r. In the last six elections the state has been closely contested, voting narrowly for the Republican Party candidate in 2016 and 2020 after voting for the Democratic Party in 2008 and 2012. Virginia (r r d d d D) has voted for the Democratic Party in the last three elections.
Individual Campaign Contributions in zip 87031 (Los Lunas)
In the last 4 years (2018-2021), there were 1,065 contributions totaling $112,335 to the Democratic Party and liberal campaigns, averaging $105 per contribution.
In the last 4 years, there were 260 contributions totaling $66,778 to the Republican Party and conservative campaigns, averaging $257 per contribution.
(source: Federal Election Commission)