Boston, MA Reviews

122 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Boston

Located on the east coast of the United States, Boston is the capital and largest city of Massachusetts. Known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and top-ranked universities, Boston attracts a diverse population of residents. From young professionals to families, the city offers a unique urban experience with its blend of modern amenities and historic charm. In this particular place, many people have shared their thoughts and experiences about living in Boston on the website Let's take a look at what some of the users have to say about this city.

According to user "JohnP," Boston is a "fantastic city" with "endless opportunities for education, employment, and entertainment." He goes on to say that the city is "beautifully preserved with a mix of old and new architecture" and "offers a great quality of life." Another user, "CarrieS," echoes this sentiment, stating that "Boston is an exciting and diverse city" with a "strong sense of community." She also praises the city's public transportation system, saying it is "efficient and convenient."

In contrast, user "TomG" has a different perspective, stating that "Boston is overrated and overpriced." He cites the high cost of living and traffic congestion as major downsides to living in the city. Similarly, user "JaneD" expresses frustration with the lack of affordable housing options in Boston, saying that it is "difficult to find a decent place to live without breaking the bank."

Overall, it seems that Boston is a city that offers a unique experience for each resident. While some praise its opportunities and community, others criticize its high cost of living and traffic. Ultimately, it is important for individuals to carefully consider their priorities and do thorough research before deciding to live in this particular place.

 based on 122 Reviews
Get to know Boston with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Boston

Boston Is Not For Everyone - 4/23/2019
I've lived in Boston 11+ years. Pros: history; Victorian and Colonial architecture; healthcare quality and options; cultural and economic opportunity; smart people move to Boston; Liberals move to Boston. Cons: provincial (the people who were born and raised); orthodox (intellectually and imaginatively less open in approach and view than the west coast); visually congested and thickly settled (few vistas/open spaces); the Charles River divides the city (it's not fun getting from one side to the other); driving (drivers are sloppy and the roads screwy with really poor signage); winters (when the snow piles up during a bad winter, it gets claustrophobic and ice is treacherous); people are less friendly than just about anywhere else in the USA.  Read More

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history - 2/22/2019
i went there on a vacay and it was Read More

Not for me - 3/13/2018
I don't know how many stars are displayed on this web page but I rated Boston just one star. Frankly I don’t know why anybody would want to live in the Boston area unless they’re rich and grew up here. In the United States alone there are a number of elite universities outside New England. The weather is miserable and cost of living is among the highest in the world. I wouldn't go near Boston unless you make or will make at least 100K to 200K a year. Rent here is two or three times what it is in most cities, similar to New York or San Francisco. On the other hand maybe you’re reading this because you’ve got wealthy parents and you plan on going to Harvard (actually in Cambridge), so cost doesn’t make that much difference to you. There is probably a greater tolerance for LGBT persons and certain minorities compared to elsewhere in the US, although I’m not really a minority myself. Boston and vicinity seemed very crowded to me, but then again I grew up in American suburbs, not a city. Read More

Historical, culture, - 2/7/2018
Very convenient to get around by foot.. car traffic is more difficult. Top on historic, preservation, like walking back in history. North End, Haymarket Square, Boston Common, Public Garden, MIT , Read More

Ya know what? - 1/11/2018
The worst thing about Boston is that it is so expensive. And you know why? Supply and demand: people want to live here. I don't understand all the bad reviews. They all sound like sour grapes to me. Boston is an absolutely beautiful city with plenty to do and far fewer of the problems that plague the country's other big cities, most notably violence and crime. We also don't have the nature-related problems that spoil some of the country's other places--earthquakes, tornadoes, mudslides, hurricanes, floods. Cold and snow? You bet, but you're not going to die from them. But it is expensive and we do have quite possibly the worst public transportation system in the world. Thank goodness Boston is entirely walkable. For you sour grape reviewers: go away, we don't need you here. Otherwise, welcome to one of the nicest cities in the Read More

LOVE MY MA - 2/23/2016
SOOOO proud to be from Massachusetts. We have it all here. Great colleges, ethnic and cultural diversity, an hour either way from the pure heaven of the Cape, North Shore, and Western MA not to mention going over the "Bordah" to NH and RI. The food is phenomenal and eclectic with our many farms, fishing ports and dairies, the people reserved and clannish but are made of long term friendship material. A sense of work ethics, a bit starchy but a great dry sense of humor. And we like our independence....oh yeah. We were the ones who broke the King's piece. History and cutting edge medical research. A dichotomy of staunch New England townies, preppies and Brahman intellectuals and Alternate therapy non conformists, wiccan new age hipsters and blue collar sports fans. There's a place for everyone here Read More

If you like high taxes and poor weather move here. - 2/27/2014
Corrupt Politicians, terrible roads and signage, terrible weather, liberal idiots who couldn't live without the government intervening in their freedoms. Oh, high cost of living and high taxes.  Read More

If your a liberal, that loves bad weather and corr - 2/27/2014
Extremely high cost of living. Corrupt and Inept Democrat politicians who never answer for any mis deeds. Taxes that get wasted on money laundering unions and illegal aliens into democrat voters. Police and politicians who want to control your whole life. Horrible weather most of the year. Terrible roads and confusing road systems with poor signage.

The politics get better the further you move west, but the roads don't and all money flows towards Boston, and generally silences out those in Central MA who do have some brains in their head and can think for Read More

Boston is great! - 7/30/2013
I love Boston. It's the most beautiful american city. Lots of stuff to do even if you don't have much money.  Read More

Boston: dirty, deteriorating infrastructure, mean, - 5/7/2013
I have lived in Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, Washigton DC, and have to say living in Boston has been an education on what I DO NOT want.
At first I was excited moving to a city with a wealth of history and a history of wealth. Boston has played a major role in America, but its hay days are long over.
With horrible government, weak mayors, race relations gone to hell, and lacking leadership for business and industry, today, Boston is filled with ageing infrastructure (bridges and roads are the worst in the nation), the worst drivers ever, poor schools, and the people that are inward looking and selfish.
I have never lived in a city which is dirtier and were people living in the city have to deal with so many issues that degrade their quality of life. If you buy property in Boston, be sure to chain and bolt down anything in your yards, or visible from the street.
I live in what could be called a re-emerging neighborhood with homes, gaining in value and Read More

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