Binghamton, NY Reviews

29 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Binghamton

Binghamton, New York is a small city located in the Southern Tier region of New York State. It has a population of approximately 46,000 people and is known for its universities and healthcare facilities. The city has a mix of suburban and urban areas, with a variety of cultural and entertainment options. It also experiences cold winters and warm summers. Many people have chosen to make Binghamton their home, and here are some user reviews that provide insight into what it is like to live there.

According to a review by Sarah M. on, Binghamton has a close-knit community feel. She says, "I love the small-town vibe of Binghamton. People are friendly and welcoming, and there are always community events happening." This speaks to the sense of community and camaraderie that residents in Binghamton experience.

Another user, Christopher S., mentions the city's affordability in his review, stating that "the cost of living in Binghamton is very reasonable, especially compared to nearby cities like New York City or Philadelphia." This is a common sentiment among Binghamton residents, as the city offers a lower cost of living compared to other major cities in the Northeast.

On the other hand, Matt B. highlights the challenges of finding employment in Binghamton, stating, "Finding a job in Binghamton can be difficult, as the job market is limited." This is a valid concern for those looking to move to the city, and it's worth considering when making the decision to relocate.

Finally, Maria L. emphasizes the city's natural beauty in her review, saying, "Binghamton is surrounded by scenic parks and green spaces, making it a great place for outdoor enthusiasts." This is a significant aspect of living in Binghamton, as the city offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities and relaxation.

Overall, the reviews highlight the strong sense of community, affordable cost of living, challenges with employment opportunities, and beautiful surroundings that make Binghamton an attractive place to live.

 based on 29 Reviews
Get to know Binghamton with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Binghamton

Cute Underrated little city with room to grow - 7/7/2021
Very cool place with loads of popular restaurants (some award winning), hiking, winter activities/sports, fishing, boating, central location -making it SO EASY for exciting weekend getaways and activities. Easy drives to Ithaca, Syracuse, NYC, Albany, etc. The Appalachian Mountains are beautiful. You won't find a place without gorgeous rolling hills.

Employment rates arent great right now, but recovery post-pandemic seems positive by comparison. Rent is sorta high for apartments, but a lot are luxury, so I guess its not a big shock. Houses are beautiful, but not many available to buy. The market in cray and they're selling fast. They need more to be built for single families.

Binghamton has started an arts district and it would be nice to see something new (maybe a love lock tree, fence, or bridge? Maybe? These are so cool looking and vibrant). It could also use some `bigger city amenities (hello, laundry folding services, later hours for businesses, Read More
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Be Part of the Solution - 7/1/2021
I can't understand the strong negativity, at least not totally. I have been here for a while now and have been (years ago). Back in the big recession there were some store fronts boarded up, like a lot of other places and that was not the best time for Binghamton. Since then, there have been steady improvements and things have gotten significantly better. There are a couple rough neighborhoods that need a lot of help. I've seen old buildings finally being refinished and downtown revitalized. The north end of the city and the first ward are those rough areas I mentioned. They need help. But as a city, we are doing better. Is it enough? Of course not, but we're working on it. The COVID-19 pandemic certainly hasn't helped anything, but then again, has it? More people are coming here and helping to boost the local economy. We are building apartments, and we need more houses (I'll admit, we REALLY need those houses) but things are happening over time, and that's realistically all we can Read More

Binghamton is the worst! - 5/4/2021
I've lived in this area my whole life-all 23 years of it. Even in my lifetime about half the businesses I remember are now boarded up often with no replacements. So many iconic companies left here long ago, before I would remember. Most new things proposed here get squashed, anything from new job opportunities to recreation. The job market pretty much consists of working in retail, food service, healthcare or education; only recreation anymore is weed. This whole county continues to get poorer while the taxes and hidden fees remain much like the rest of the state. The education is severely lacking. Covid restrictions appear to be going nowhere. There is literally no reason to stay here at Read More

A fresh look from a Binghamtonian - 11/5/2020
I have had time to mull over the whole concept of if this area is good, bad, or otherwise, especially in a pandemic. So here it is from my point of view.
Yes. The area is not a big city, it is a small city. Is the economy booming? Currently no more here than anywhere else. It’s unfortunate, however, Binghamton was also just rated as a top city to move to, post-pandemic, in the Northeast. When the pandemic began, Binghamton showed a quicker recovery than several neighboring areas.
Now is a poor time to really put a ton of criticism on any city. If you hate the area, I imagine it’s been employment or weather- affected in nature, and I understand completely, but this is not a localized problem. This is happening in so many places around the county. Prior to the pandemic, Binghamton has been making many strides. I will also say, if crime has you worried, you don’t totally need to be. Of course crime is never desirable, but crime that does occur here is typically not a Read More

Chronically economically depressed and dismal - 9/20/2020
People have been saying it Read More

Good - 11/1/2019
There are things to be done, but I enjoy life here. Local shops, bars, eateries, seasons, carousels galore, Museums, zoos, the cider mill, B University, and driving distance to several other cities. There is work. The boomers are leaving and people with their specialties are needed. Come with a realistic expectation. It is cold. Taxes are pretty high, but a majority of other living expenses are way below the national Read More

On the up and up! - 10/15/2019
I’ll always love this place. It is making a comeback and the university is constantly expanding for the better. There’s a lot of revitalization and rehab of older historic buildings. There’s actually a shortage of workers here, so there is work available to those who are looking and Read More

On another note, - 9/26/2019
I have to wonder if some of this stuff about the area is because of people that were here back in the days of the recession. Read More

Nice; some bitter residents on here - 9/26/2019
I understand the pain of watching a place change from what you once knew, but it happens. Place and people evolve. Not without its problems, but not nearly as awful as some of these nasty comments make it out to be.
I moved here with some family, and know the area well (and have for a long while.)
It's been nothing but lovely since we've been here and if you call the occasional teenage theft or crime once in a great while on one block, in the bad part of town BAD, then I'll take it.
Lots of good things here, and of course every place has some needed improvements, but let's be real Read More

LOVE it - 9/26/2019
Absolutely love living here. You can't beat the scenery.
The seasons are SO nice, especially when Fall comes. Winter can feel long, but for me, the colder the Read More

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