Binghamton, NY Reviews

29 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Binghamton

Binghamton, New York is a small city located in the Southern Tier region of New York State. It has a population of approximately 46,000 people and is known for its universities and healthcare facilities. The city has a mix of suburban and urban areas, with a variety of cultural and entertainment options. It also experiences cold winters and warm summers. Many people have chosen to make Binghamton their home, and here are some user reviews that provide insight into what it is like to live there.

According to a review by Sarah M. on, Binghamton has a close-knit community feel. She says, "I love the small-town vibe of Binghamton. People are friendly and welcoming, and there are always community events happening." This speaks to the sense of community and camaraderie that residents in Binghamton experience.

Another user, Christopher S., mentions the city's affordability in his review, stating that "the cost of living in Binghamton is very reasonable, especially compared to nearby cities like New York City or Philadelphia." This is a common sentiment among Binghamton residents, as the city offers a lower cost of living compared to other major cities in the Northeast.

On the other hand, Matt B. highlights the challenges of finding employment in Binghamton, stating, "Finding a job in Binghamton can be difficult, as the job market is limited." This is a valid concern for those looking to move to the city, and it's worth considering when making the decision to relocate.

Finally, Maria L. emphasizes the city's natural beauty in her review, saying, "Binghamton is surrounded by scenic parks and green spaces, making it a great place for outdoor enthusiasts." This is a significant aspect of living in Binghamton, as the city offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities and relaxation.

Overall, the reviews highlight the strong sense of community, affordable cost of living, challenges with employment opportunities, and beautiful surroundings that make Binghamton an attractive place to live.

 based on 29 Reviews
Get to know Binghamton with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Binghamton

Proud to call Binghamton my home. - 9/26/2019
My personal experience has been wonderful. I've never had issues wandering around any part of town, I've never felt unsafe, and the area is beautiful. I have had no issues with employment (and I'm not even in a high-paying career.)

I have been coming here for many, many years and have family from here that have lived here for a long time. I have now lived here for a while and can tell you that some, but not all negativity of others is warranted.

The economy took a nasty dive after the recession and of course, when IBM basically left. This area, as well as others, has not 100% recovered, but this takes time.
The downtown area is booming compared to the way it was in recent years.
Lots of people just either don't like college students or want to keep the local population to that of a "small town" which doesn't exactly promote growth.
This little "big"town offers college, entertainment, and history.
Like anywhere else, it has its issues. Read More

Start Your Review of Binghamton

Somalia is more appealing - 2/25/2019
Buttholetown, NY. If you love illegal drugs, corrupt government and cold dreary weather, this is your Paradise! What isn't stolen out of your pocket by high taxes will eventually be taken in a mugging! And if you survive the mugging, whatever you have left will be taken at the ER for Read More

hick town, trashy people - 1/22/2018
Where to start? Highest taxes outside of New York city, astronomical rents and what do you get? Chemical spills, lead in the water, terrible schools, crime, systemic racism, police brutality, government corruption, and the worst healthcare in the country. The people are fat, mean, white and always angry - Trump voters. The students are trashy and middle class partiers. The only decent hard working people in this town are immigrants, and they are unfortunately ostracized and terrified by the rest of this racist, uneducated trashy Read More

Unfortunately after 7 months of research I found out why Binghamton is the second highest tax in New York state they do not assess their Circle of friends government employees family Fairly Penney's on thousand!
They break the law by giving away free water and sewer to over 2,000 properties again to their circle of family and friends while the little people are struggling to pay their taxes and their high water /sewer rates...
Are development money that supposed to go to areas of Binghamton that need help for affordable housing is going into student housing my recommendation is not just Binghamton but stay out of New York!
Reporting corruption to our governor and other government officials like our senator or senators, state controller Tom..a joke... its a waste of your time and efforts...
They all know and do nothing to help the little paying slaves to flood the bills...Sad but true...
Go to my FB page
City Bing Taxpayers AwarenessRead More

Take heed.... - 9/17/2015
...DO NOT move over here...this "City" is like a roach motel, once you get in, you can't get out. The job market is absolutely horrendous to say the least (unless you plan on starting a career at the Weis supermarket, McDonald's or as an absurdly underpaid Java developer). The crime rate is MUCH higher than what Sperling claims. Stabbings or slashing at the club, roberry, burglary, drugs, you name it, it's out there and all packed into 11.16 miles of Binghamton's glory. Almost every park or neighborhood that you visit will have a touch of "ghetto". I moved here from NYC (BIG MISTAKE) to be with family, and for the first time in my life I felt compelled to (legally) purchase a gun to protect my family at home. I am desperately looking to get my wife and kids out of this dump. I feel sorry for the kids growing up in this dilapidated community, I know I'll be getting mine out of here that's for sure.
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Binghamton, NY in a nutshell - 3/18/2015
I have lived here in Binghamton, NY for 32 years. It was bad when I was a child and has gotten worse at a staggering rate over the years. In a nutshell this area is a crime ridden, economically depressed, drug infested, outrageously expensive, DUMP! The local and state government is as corrupt as it gets and as lazy as it gets. The older generation here is appalled at the condition of their neighborhoods and the people that are moving into them. The general condition of the housing is run down neglected dumps, with slumlords who live in another city that don't care at all about the quality of life that their tenants experience there. Half of Binghamton's apartment houses have been condemned here lately due to drug raids and methamphetamine manufacturing in those houses. It is sad to see this area go to hell so fast while the people in power sit by and watch and laugh as they line their pockets with the tax payers money. If you are thinking about moving here DON'T. It will be the Read More

crime rate is over triple what Sterling claims - 12/14/2014
IT really is crazy...every one of the crime rates listed for Binghamton is about 1/3 of what the ACTUAL crime rate in Binghamton is. I don't know if Sterling is using data from 20 years ago, but it certainly is not from the last 10 Read More

crime - 12/14/2014
I am not sure where you are getting your numbers to yield "low crime rate: for Binghamton, NY, but the reality is, it is actually much higher htan most cities in the entire coutnry and getting wrose every year while the state and national averages are Read More

Getting worse every year - 9/17/2014
The crime in the Binghamton area is really starting to get out of hand. What was a safer than average city in NY (lower crime than the state and national average) just 10 years ago, and even more so 20 years ago is now much higher than both the state and national crime rates now that is has become an end stop for the Brooklyn drug trade. The drug dealers are usually not the ones you have to worry about, unless your rent and they move in to your building. But their customers will do anything to get the money for their next fix. So they will mug you, or break into your home or apartment, whether you are home or Read More

Ick - 9/18/2013
Binghamton is a dumping ground for surplus nyc area welfare recipients. They can't fill houses fast enough to replace all the skilled and educated who have fled along with their jobs. The few remaining tax payers are forced to pay for housing for a large population of drug dealers. As an added bonus it's full people with a "what are you lookin at" attitude. Read More

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