United States / Utah / Salt Lake City Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Salt Lake City, Utah

All That Glitters is NOT Gold
Star Rating - 3/14/2013
Salt Lake City and surrounding suburbs are "interesting" to live in. On the plus side: the scenery is beautiful, the health care is excellent, the climate has all four seasons (summers are hot and dry, not humid), the mountains block strong winds, the city is very clean, low crime, and there are great outdoor activities (skiing, hiking, fishing, etc.)and the people are VERY friendly, when you first arrive. On the bad side: the air quality/pollution is terrible in the winter (people that "never get sick" are also affected by it, with migraines, sinus headaches, sore throat, etc.) The cost of living is very high, not Cali high, but still very overpriced. The people who are VERY friendly, are usually Mormons. When you move into a new neighborhood, they will bring you baked goods, shovel your driveway, and offer to watch your kids, all for "free." They take these opportunities to try and convert you to become a Mormon. When they finally realize that you either have your own church/religion or that you just don't want to join their church, the acts of "kindness" stop. The funny part is that they only "work on you" for 6 months to a year; they give up too quickly. I've lived in places where other churches can keep working on you for over ten years. The bad part is that once they know that you won't join, all of the "friendliness" stops. You are no longer included in neighborhood BBQ's, and your kids stop getting birthday party invitations from the neighbor kids. (Even though we pretty much live like Mormons, we have actually been told by a Mormon Bishop, that our kids could no longer play with his kids, because we would not convert to Mormonism.) With the job market, it can be the same way. Mormons usually only hire other Mormons (no, you can't ask about religion at a job interview, but Mormon's will list their Bishop as a reference and list their LDS mission as experience, this and other ways are how they can tell). They also prefer light skinned people (unless you are fluent in Spanish). The good paying jobs usually go to very light skinned Mormons (they even discriminate within their own group). If you are anything but very white, you'd better be a doctor, or a research scientist if you want a job. There is a large LGBT population in the actual city, but many of them struggle to find a job with decent wages, even if they have a college degree, unless they go to great lengths to hide their orientation. All of my previous comments sound nasty, but that is MY experience. I am NOT speaking for everyone. Here's the funny thing, my best friend is a Mormon. For every 4 or 5 that aren't so nice, there is one that is an Angel and doesn't care about your religion and will not try to convert you. Not all Mormons are the same (of course). The only other issue is that there is no real separation of church and state here. While other kids get spring break in March, Utah's revolves around Easter. High School kids are allowed to leave campus during study hall and go across the street to a Mormon church for religious education. They claim that it's not a violation of church and state, because the Mormon church is not on school property. This happens during school, in the middle of the day. The LDS/Mormon church owns a very large amount of property/businesses here. If you are white, straight, and you are willing to convert, then this is the perfect place to live.
Brianna | Sandy, UT
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It is a shame that so many people have to stereo-type the Mormons. Miranna's posting is sprinkled with truths and exaggerated facts. A few real facts for you: 1. There are more Mormons in California than there is in Utah. It just seems like there are a lot, because there is a high concentration of them in the SLC valley. 2. Mormons do service, because they choose to be Christ-like, and to show they care. Not to try and convert you. YOU convert your self with this religion. They don't force it on you. And what!! "prefer light skinned people" WHAT! are you a big-get or just ignorant! More than 60% of the LDS is "dark skinned" Latin American. Get real! 3. I find it extremely difficult to believe a Bishop would actually tell you your kids could not play with his. However, that being said. Mormons are human and imperfect just like all the rest, and there are a few that are clickish and do not set good examples. But a Bishop??? yeah right. Very sad that people have to be so prejudice of others. 4. As for church and state seperation. I have lived in 3 other states, and they ALL allowed their students to leave campus to do their religious studies. Its not just Utah! Lastly, Utah is not for everyone, and yes, I think there are a lot of "jack" Mormons in utah, and many that do not set a good example for their church. But why point fingers at them? do you point out the Baptist or Catholic who is not living up to their religious beliefs? If you don't want the influence of the LDS church in your life, then don't live in SLC. MOVE!
David | Beaverton, OR | Report Abuse